Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Lone Wolf


The Lone Wolf things used to be pretty popular. J.C. Whitney/Warshawsky used to sell license plates and jackets with the logo on the back if I remember correctly. While the No Club thing was referring to car clubs, I'm going to go no club meaning boxing club. Since my running buddy came down with the cooties and the weather's going to cool down, I think it's time for me to just train on my own. While that's not near as much fun, I've done it before.

While training for the marathon my running buddy at the high school bailed out when we were scheduled to run 12 miles in temperatures of only about 4 degrees with about 4" of fresh snow on the ground. Can't really blame him but I soldiered on and continued my training. Way back when I was boxing I did almost all my road work solo due to my work schedule. It's much more enjoyable having a running buddy - my buddy Kevin and I had some great conversations while putting in the miles - and having a partner kept me honest but with this damn virus, my chest issue and advanced age, I'm thinking it's all me now.

I hit my fighting weight when I got back from my bike ride yesterday morning. I weighed in at 178. Left the house a heavyweight and came home a light heavy. The last time I was that weight was right before I ran the marathon 15 years ago. I weighed 165 when I graduated from high school and 165 when I got married a few years later. I got up to over 200 maybe twenty years ago. I was still in half-assed decent shape but definitely had a belly. The belly's smaller now but I don't have the muscle mass I used to so even though I've lost about five pounds this year still got a bit of a belly. However, my resting heartrate and blood pressure are good so I've managed the quarantine fairly well. 

The plan now is to get the trainer set up down the basement again, add some more strength training and get outside this winter and do some hiking, skating and maybe even some snow shoeing depending on the weather. I would like to glove up at least one more time. I really miss going to the gym. Here I am from right after we started the boxing club: I was probably 190 pounds that night and 59 years old. Fun for the whole family!  

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