Friday, November 13, 2020

VR Day


I'm declaring victory over the roller project. 

Looks good and, at least with my test piece, it works pretty well. While it's not designed for heavy gauge metal, it should do the trick for automotive and motorcycle panels. 

The grip part of the handle called for a piece of black pipe with bushings pressed in. I had a piece in house from another project that was purchased within the last year or two. The ID on it was not a true Schedule 40 either, just like the pipe I bought for the rolls. I did have an old piece of galvanized that was the correct size so I used that. I also wrapped the OD with some hockey tape for a more comfortable grip.

I didn't think about it until I started rolling my test piece but some witness marks on the end plates to give me an idea on setting the rear roller would be nice. I can use the "I" from my alphabet stamps or a chisel to mark both the end plates and the adjusters. 

The rolls are wide enough to roll the back part of the cockpit and the dash hood so I can start on the sheet metal whenever the mood hits me. I need to bead roll a test piece to make sure the top edge of both pieces will give me what I'm looking for. If it comes out like I'm hoping I might have to enlist the Missus to turn the crank on the bead roller while I guide the pieces through.

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