Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I Hit The Spot


I trimmed up the grill shell and cut the hole for the filler neck. I measured everything once, twice and then thrice and it's right where it needs to be. I could use just a bit more clearance on the front corners but it'll work out just fine. I need to make some tabs to fasten the bottom edge down. My original idea was to make pieces that would fasten to the shell and extend down below it and screw into the frame. I'm thinking now something a little less bold. I'll make some tabs for the inside that weld to the frame and then bolt thru from the outside. Maybe make some thick brass washers that'll shine up nice to match the brass radiator cap. 

The filler is larger at the top and then tapers in so I had to cut the hole to accommodate the larger diameter which leaves a gap when the shell fits down over it. I cut the hole a little undersize and flared it a bit. I'll get something like a windshield washer hose, split it and wrap it around the flared edge to fill the opening and give the whole shootin' match a more finished look.

I've got a household job to work on either today or Wednesday as well as making some parts for the side hustle, taking the dog to the groomer and taking some parts to the storage space. Looks like the Yamaha SR500 is coming to visit. I also need to do some grocery shopping, pick up some chicken feed and other errands. Might not get much done on the jitney until after Christmas now but I'm moving steadily forward.

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