Tuesday, December 8, 2020


I took Sunday off but went out to the shop yesterday before heading to the dentist. I cut off the right side of the center section of the grill shell so I could get it to fit the buck. It didn't take long at all to get a snug fit. Making the top part of the buck as a hammerform was one of my better ideas. It really helped with the shaping. 

The right side piece needs a bit more shrinking on the bottom but it's about ready to be cut and welded in. Again, lots of planishing to look forward to but the aluminum is thick enough I'll be able to file the minor imperfections out. 

I've got a small planishing hammer that I'm quite fond of but it doesn't have much reach which makes it tough to get inside of a deeply curved section. I'd like to find one with a longer head. I'm going to see what I can come up with - might get a piece of 4140 and make one or just use a piece of 1020 cold rolled and hard face it. I've got an old body hammer that has the pick end broken off. Maybe make a new longer end for that one and weld it on.

I was supposed to see the cardiologist today for my annual check-up but he's not seeing patients in the office unless it's absolutely necessary. Instead, I'll be doing a video consult. I don't know how much good it will do. He does have my blood test numbers and I'll take my blood pressure prior to meeting with him. Fortunately, I'm doing pretty well, at least as far as I can tell. I think the Covid is going to make remote consultations much more prevalent. The technology to send real time numbers for blood pressure and blood sugar to the doctor is already here. Should be a good thing all the way around.

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