Monday, December 28, 2020

Parts is Parts

I finished up a few more parts for the side hustle. They're easy enough to make but it takes too long to grind them after I plasma cut them due to the slag hanging on. I don't know how many more of these I need to make but if I'm going to be making them, I need to do better. If I had a piece with an oversize cut-out of the shape I need, I could put the cup on the plasma up against the sides of the cut out and follow around it at a pretty good clip. All the pieces would be the same and by cutting faster I should reduce the amount of slag. I'll have to give that some thought. The best way would probably be to have someone stamp the blanks out on a press. Or I could just keep doing what I've been doing since I get paid by the hour.

After I finished the parts I did a little bit more on the jitney. I need to get a bit more done before my January hiatus. I was planning on finish welding the grill shell but I farted around with a couple of other things as well as just staring at the project as a whole. I'm going to order a couple of parts, so I wanted to figure out what I still need and in what order I might need it. 

Looks like typical winter on the way - temps in the low 30s on tap this week. I'll fire up the heater in the shop and try to get in a few hours every day. 

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