Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Basket Cases


Actually more like cardboard box cases, and yes, that's cases in the plural.

I ran some errands and swung by the storage space prior to my appointment at the eye doc yesterday. I took some tools with me to measure up the engine for a head to bolt it to the engine stand. The stand is a knock down type of my own design that works well for the bike engines. I'll see what I've got for material laying around and get the head made up at my leisure. After I get that made up I'll take the engine stand  to the storage space and get one of the engines bolted up on it. In the center of the top photo is a set of cases peeking out of one of the cardboard boxes and to the right of it in the plastic bag is another engine that's complete except for the barrel and head. I saw a barrel in the pile but haven't seen a head yet but I haven't even attempted to go through any of the boxes.

Since the one frame is mostly stripped, I'll use that one as my starting point when I decide to do something with all this junk. Other projects are much more pressing at the present time. I definitely need to keep working on the jitney project, especially since there is no end in sight to the quarantine. Cuzzin Ricky says we're going to have some catching up to do when it's safe to travel. In fact, he sent me info on a race in South Dakota later in the year. Looks like it would be a great show. Might have to get the atlas out and see what else we could visit on the way out and back. 

The visit to the eye doctor went well. Distance vision is just pert near 20/20. I go back in three weeks for another check up and to get fitted with glasses. He said I can start easing back into my normal activities, just don't go crazy. So it's not full speed ahead yet but I can start getting back out in the shop. 

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