Friday, January 8, 2021


He's been dead as long as he was alive. Glad I never had to live with all the pressure of being rich and famous. I've had 28 more years than he did & I wouldn't give that up for all the money in the world.

Just been laying around the shack the last couple of days. The after surgery instructions don't leave me much wiggle room - no lifting anything over 20 pounds, no bending over, no power tools, no exercising, and no alcohol. So I've been doing some reading, watching old movies and surfing the web. However, with what's been going on lately, surfing the web is starting to be as upsetting as reading the newspaper and watching the news on the television. Normally a week of laying around the shack would be a welcome respite but since I've been in lockdown mode for going on ten months now, I need to lift things more than 20 pounds, bend over, use some power tools, and exercise a bit. Or just start day drinking. One more week or so and I should be back at it.


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