Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Lone Wolf


I had the second cataract surgery yesterday. Things went pretty much like the first one, which is to say very well done by all at the surgery center. I see the doc later today for a check up and then I should be done with him. The new vision is going to take some getting used to. I used to look through the bifocals to see things up close or just lift my glasses up. In fact for TIG welding I'd just take them off. Now I can see distance but not things up close. No surprise, I knew that was coming but I'm going to need some reading glasses real soon. I typed this up last evening and I was able to put this together but I had to use a magnifying glass to read the newspaper. Project work will be next to impossible unless I get some glasses for near vision.

Lots of craziness going on politically. Talk of impeachment or using the 25th amendment to rid the country of the President. Talk also of the President using the Insurrection Act. I read some interesting things about that. First of all, if he determines that there's a threat he can put the wheels in motion without having to have go through Congress and he can keep it going as long as he sees fit. He can call up the National Guard, the naval militia and the civilian militia. I didn't even know there was a naval militia and as for the civilian militia? All able bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45. It'd be real interesting to see how that would work out. I don't know how all this is going to shake out but I wouldn't be surprised if President Trump decides to get last tag.

I got a bit more info on the CSA and I'm planning on signing up for the season. They've got three levels that you can buy into. The mid-level is for two omnivores and is less than a hundred bucks for the season. I'm not an omnivore, except when I cheat on the new diet but that won't be happening much in the future. I'm now a "nutritarian". When I quit going to the gym last year my blood sugar and pressure started creeping up to the point it was becoming dangerous. I don't want another heart attack or a stroke or have my toes lopped off, so I did a bit of research and came across a book by Joel Fuhrman, MD on beating diabetes.  I've been on the program a couple of weeks and I haven't done everything by the book because I was using up some items in the cupboards and the fridge but my blood sugar was 109 and my blood pressure was 128/77 yesterday morning prior to the surgery. Not bad for a 70 year old dude. Diet and exercise - the fountain of youth. 

Regardless of what 2021 throws at me this year, I've at least got my plan now. Eat my veggies, do some aerobic and strength training on a daily basis, avoid crowds and work on the projects. Since I'm basically a misanthrope, I can get along quite nicely with a minimum of contact with the outside world - as long as I get some glasses, that is. 

Keep your heads down, people. Spicy time is upon us.

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