Thursday, January 21, 2021

Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

Sing it Brother Ray! 

I heard this on the radio yesterday - I'm thinking the disc jockey is a Biden fan or maybe he was just glad to see Trump go. Personally, I think we've gone from the frying pan into the fire. With 26 or 27 trillion in debt and who knows what the real number is when you try to add up all the unfunded liabilities. Regardless of what the future holds, I'm about as prepared as one man can reasonably be expected to be - other than the concertina wire around the perimeter and it might yet come to that. 

There's nothing I can do to change the way things are or will be anyway. I've voted in every election since I came of age and yet here we are at the end days of the empire. I doubt that I'll vote again. Most all of the local candidates are all from the same party so not much choice there. I don't know how much truth there is about the actual outcome of the presidential election but I didn't vote for either Trump or Biden. Neither party seems to be concerned about being fiscally responsible so they'll keep taxing us, and pissing our money away. And if there isn't enough tax money they'll just keep running up the deficit and printing more money out of thin air. There is one good thing to come out of the new administration, The meme posting will be awesome:

Just the beginning

It was cold yesterday - only about 19 when I left the house in the morning to fetch some more vittles. It was actually pretty nice out with a lot of sunshine for a change but it was still going to be cold in the shop, so I didn't do much out there. I drilled the holes in the bottom of the grill shell. One of the little tabs needs to be moved, however. It's only got a couple of small tacks holding it in place so it'll be easy to fix. I've got fender washers under the screws holding the bottom of the grill shell in place now but those will be replaced with something similar out of brass - maybe round, maybe star shaped or something.

It's supposed to warm up some today, so I'll try to get back after it. I definitely need some shop therapy time. 


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