Tuesday, January 5, 2021

My Soul's Been Psychedelisized


I had the first cataract surgery yesterday. I was first up on the menu. I had to be there at 5:50 in the morning, so it was set the alarm for 4:30. I had to have someone drive me home due to being sedated (maybe I should have led with the Ramones), so the woman who normally gets out of bed sometime on the south side of noon went with me, and with no complaints I might add. They told me I would not be completely under but after they put the sedative in me the next thing I knew was I was waking up with the nurse telling me I was all done. When I first looked through the eye everything looked like one of the old hippy posters or a movie scene from the sixties with some dude trippin' on LSD. Far out man! Eye was scratchy feeling most of the day but no pain. Everything is much brighter now. When I look through the left eye everything seems to be sepia toned. When I get that one done, things should be really improved.

The folks at the surgery center were all first rate - friendly and professional. I'm not so sure I'd be that chipper with a six o'clock start on a Monday morning. I see the doc today for a check-up. I'll see what he says about a cheater lens for the welding helmet or reading glasses for my work in the shop. I think he's going to do some sort of scan after the second surgery. That might tell the story.

I got a phone call yesterday from the lady across the tracks. Seems the steering box I ordered from Speedway got delivered to her house. She said she'd bring it over but it was too heavy for her. I explained that I'd just gotten home from eye surgery and wasn't supposed to even bend over, let alone pick up something heavy so she said she'd have her husband bring it by after he got home from work. Unfortunately, no show. 

My remote oil filter that I ordered September 29th was finally shipped but it hasn't shown up either. I went to the Jegs website and typed in the order number and it said it was an invalid number. There were a couple of other things you could type in for your search but those didn't work either. I'm going to have to call Jegs apparently to figure out where my order went. As much merchandise that has been delivered here these past few months, you'd think the drivers would be able to find the house blindfolded. 

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