Sunday, February 28, 2021

Making Parts Again


Pleasant day yesterday - sunny and about 50 degrees. I did a bit of work in the shop and opened up the big doors. Quite comfortable with my hooded sweatshirt on - no heavy coat or heater required. It's supposed to be warm again today, so I'll to get out in the shop for a little bit before I go walkies. Maybe drag the bicycle out to the shop, check the tire pressures, oil the chain and give it a good looking over.

The photo shows the pieces I made for the side hustle. Two pairs of two different part numbers. The boss originally wanted five pairs of each so I'll have to get some more made. I figured he'd be calling by now looking for them but since he wasn't, I spent my work time shoveling and plowing. My back's got a kink in it as a result that is going to require some professional attention before I do much more.

The top pieces in the photo are for the engine mount to put the SR500 motor on the engine stand. Since I found the bolts, might as well finish that project up. When I go for walkies I'll swing by the storage space and grab the empty set of crankcases so I can make sure the spacing between the side plates is spot on.

I'm going to see if I can get the computer to pick up the signal from the new gizmo I bought. If it works I'll finish my design for a cabinet or shelf to house everything. If I decide on something out of wood I'll get to the lumber yard this week and get it made up. Time to pick up the pace on the jitney - music will help.

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