Friday, February 12, 2021

The Troubles

Scotch-Irish Arkansan singing a favorite of mine. One very, very accomplished musician who had a few troubles of his own.

I've doing some thinking about Ireland as of late - several reasons for it, actually. I ran across an item about Bank of America turning over its list of customers to the government. The article mentioned both the number of ATMs they have and how easy it would be to disable them. Coincidentally, I also came across an item that mentioned "Irish Democracy", that being how the Irish kept the British Army hopping for 30 some years during The Troubles until they finally gave up and went home. Basically, death from a thousand cuts. It's also approaching the anniversary of my trip to Ireland two years ago and I'd love to go back. Ireland spoke to me. 

Now with most of us out here in the middle country being labeled domestic terrorists and with what's sure to be the forthcoming assault on the second amendment, there's just liable to be a bit of Irish Democracy coming in our future. I'm certainly not advocating violence but if "laws" get passed that make felons out of everyone who has a semi-automatic rifle, more ammo than what's allowed or a magazine that holds more than ten rounds, there's liable to be some backlash. Couple that with the on-going impeachment trial, the transgender sports fiasco, the actual unemployment rate being maybe 20% rather than the government's figure of 6.3%, the soon to be expiring mortgage and rental forbearance and then who knows what the last straw might be.

Get prepared. It's going to be an interesting few years. 


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I got the rear frame section cleaned up and primed. Looks pretty sexy from where I'm sittin'. I also got the bike frame repaired. The welding was easy enough. Most of the work was grinding out the crummy welds from the other guy. Looked good when I finished up - a lot better than the end bell on the winch I did recently. If they were all like that I might take up knitting instead. 

Don't know what I'll get done the next few days. I'll just see what the weather brings and if I can break the seal between my ass and the recliner.

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