Friday, March 12, 2021

Golden Anniversary


The Missus and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary today. It won't be much of a celebration due to the cooties and our age - we definitely don't party like we used to - but we're both still kicking and have been able to live in quarantine with one another for the past year without getting at each others throats. Actually, as we've gotten older our love for each other has gotten stronger, probably as a result of realizing what's most important in our lives and relationship. If the truth be known, she always knew. I was the guy who took a while to figure it out. 

We didn't have much of a honeymoon when we got married. I had gotten laid off from my job as a welder shortly before our wedding, so I got a job as a laborer at the mill. We got married on a Friday evening and I was back to work on Monday. We've had several nice vacations celebrating our anniversaries over the years but this year we were planning on a trip to Hawaii. In fact, we've been planning on it for fifty years (Hawaii is the only state left on my quest to see all 50 also).

So no big party, no trip to Hawaii. Just the two of us spending the day together. I'm just very thankful we still have each other and our love has gotten stronger with the passage of time.


I bent another rear hoop while I had the tools out. This one will be for the SR500. 

I've been doing some cleaning/organizing in the shop. I made this seat cowl for a vintage road racer project that didn't happen. While moving things around I thought I'd see how close it came to fitting on the hoop. Just pert near perfect. Need to remember that for future reference. 

I'm going to put up a shelf in the back of the shop to store some boxes of parts. I've got boxes for four projects that I'm working on or planning to as time and money allow. The Rickati and the jitney are the two highest priorities. I want to get the Rickati finished up so I've got more room to work on the jitney.  I'll have the shelf up in a day or two, do a bit more clean up work in the back of the shop and then turn up the wick.


  1. You need to finish the Rickati so I can ride it.

  2. I'm working on it - steady by jerks as Joey B used to say. I want to get all the frame work done so I can send the motor out. While I'm waiting for that to come back I can get it painted and moved out of my way so I can have more room to work on the jitney. I'd like to have both of those projects finished up this year.

  3. Happy 50th to you and the Mrs!
    Since me and Mrs. In Ky were both bull-headed enough to stay in bad marriages for too long before finding each other, we'll have to wait until ages 103 and 106 for our golden anniversary. So we tell each other we have to stay pretty darn fit, and live a narrow road for a while. :-)

    Seriously it is quite an achievement. Mark it out somehow. Again, congrats.

  4. Thanks Rich - good to hear from you. We did make it out for a nice dinner. Only the second time in the last year we've eaten out.

    Hope you're doing well. Things should be greening up and budding out in the great Commonwealth of Kentucky about now. I'm hoping to get down that way this year. I've got a sister in law in Southern Indiana, family friends in Paducah and I want to visit the Brandenburg area where my mom's people were from. I was planning on a trip last year but we all know how that worked out.

    Hope you make 106!
