Sunday, March 7, 2021

Jumping Through Hoops

The local PBS station was fundraising last evening and showed The Last of the Breed featuring Ray Price, Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson. Ray's voice wasn't as good as it once was but you'll have that. He was smooth as silk back in the day, though.

I hooked everything up to get my computer operational in the shop yesterday. It started off well but then the signal slowed down and then I lost the signal completely. Fun while it lasted, though. I've got one more thing to try. If that doesn't do it I'll probably go with plan B. Not sure what plan B is yet. Might have to go with something like Plan Nine From Outer Space in order to get the signal beamed in.

The day wasn't a total loss, though. I did some much needed organizing and cleaning and then bent the rear hoop for the Rickati project. I get that taken care of I can mount the fender and seat pan. I talked to the upholstery guy last week and he can make me a seat at a reasonable price. I'll get the Rickati seat done and then have him do the one for the SR500. I'll need another rear hoop for that one as well. I'll take the one in the photo over to the storage space and see how close it comes to fitting. I think the width should be just about right. 

The hoop is the first piece I've bent since repairing the bender after bending it when I bent the square tube for the jitney cab. The 3/4 round bent easily enough. The design of the bender makes it hard to get a full 180 bend, however. The piece that holds the tube in the bender doesn't keep it tight to the die on the initial bend so you loose maybe 5 degrees or so. It's what I've got to work with and the radius is good for bike work, so I'll  keep plugging away. I want to finish the rest of the bike and then send the engine out to my buddy. I can finish the welding and paint it while he's fiddling the engine. It's time to get this one done. 

I'll be back on the jitney this coming week as well as doing some yard work. I've got lots of branches and small limbs that came down due to the recent ice storm that need to be gathered up. Always things to do if you're a homeowner.

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