Thursday, March 4, 2021

We Have Music


I heard this on the Irish station I've been listening to of late. I can get really great music from Galway on Saturday mornings with no commercials but have to listen to the same old playlist on the local stations. I like classic rock but I've been listening to it since it was brand new. Someone should tell the movers and groovers at the radio stations that albums had more than one song on them. It wouldn't hurt to dig a little deeper into the archives and expand the playlist. And maybe get some decent jazz and blues as well. 

Which brings me back to getting the computer in the shop. I took a little trip to HQ of my local electric provider on Tuesday to see if they could shed a little light on what goes on inside the meter box. The incoming power from the pole enters the meter box and then splits into two 100 amp sub-feeds, one for the house and one for the shop. I don't know if they are isolated from one another when they leave the meter, which would prevent the Powerline 1200 units from talking to each other. I talked to two guys from operations and surprisingly enough, they couldn't answer the question. The one guy said he was going to look into it for me, though. However,

I decided to try some things yesterday and I got it up and running. Pretty pleased with that. I'll now be able to pick up radio stations from all over the world. I've jumped around on Radio Garden a bit to see what comes up and I'm never going to run out of musical options now. And it couldn't have come at a better time. Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far - up into the fifties. Sun was shining. Projects coming together. One of those days when everything was right with the world.

Finished up the engine stand yesterday. I was trouble shooting the computer set-up while the paint was drying. When I got it figured out I took myself a little break then loaded up the stand, dropped it off at the storage space and then headed uptown to the lumberyard. I picked up a 1x12x8' for the princely sum of $20.00 - been awhile since I've been to the lumberyard. And after going to the grocery store earlier in the day, I'm thinking those official government inflation numbers are more than a little under reported. Anyway, I knocked out a quickie shelving unit for the laptop and the amplifier and speakers. I need to make a couple of angle irons to use to fasten the unit to the wall. I'll get those made up today and throw some paint on them. If the paint's dry in time I'll get every thing hung up and wired. 

I love it when a plan comes together!

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