Friday, April 2, 2021

On the Road

A little inspiration to keep me on the job.

I spent some time on the road yesterday - a couple of stops at the banks, picked up the top of my wife's sister's windmill for a repair job, hardware store and Menard's. I knew lumber prices had gone up but I was still in for a shock. A 2x4 x8' was $7.69. A piece of particle board 1/2"x24"x48" was $9.79. My little shelf for the storage space ended up being like a military contract with a serious cost over-run. Even the 15 pound bag of dog food went up about $5.00. And they tell us not to worry about inflation. Menards had a recruitment table set up just as I came in the store. From the wages they were offering and the lumber prices, I'm guessing most of the employees won't be able to afford to build a dog house, let alone pay $31.00 for a 15 pound bag of food for Fido.

Interesting weather while I was out. There was a bit of snow cover on the shady spots along the highway and then I ran into a genuine snow squall about 15 miles from home. The sun came out and it warmed up into the high thirties later in the day, so I took all of my high priced lumber to my woodshop and knocked out the shelf unit. After I finished it I loaded it up in the truck along with the engine stands. I'll take that stuff to the storage space today and get that set up. 

A little progress on the motorcycle front. The battery for the Himalayan came in and I finished fitting the rear fender on the Rickati. I'm pretty happy with how it looks now. I sent an e-mail off to the outfit with the shocks I'm thinking of buying asking for their advice about the proper springs from the two options they offer. When I hear back I'll get those ordered in. I should be able to afford them as long as I stay out of the lumber yard!

Looks like a nice weekend on tap with above average temperatures for Easter. The MIssus and I will be spending the day in quarantine like we have the past year for all the holidays, birthday and anniversary celebrations. The governor is lifting the mask mandate the coming week and the Missus is scheduled for her first dose of the vaccine this coming week as well. Hopefully, things will ease up a bit with more people getting vaccinated every day. Cuzzin Ricky and I  are Jones-in' to get back out on the road. 


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