Saturday, May 1, 2021

Another Day In Paradise

Pretty typical day yesterday. Had a blood test in the morning, came home and stripped the flannel sheets off the bed. The Missus had bought some new sheets so I was going to toss them in with the flannel ones and then put the new ones on the bed. Normally the washer is on the middle heat setting for the water temperature but I flipped it to hot water only to find out there wasn't any hot water filling the drum. I figured the hose might be plugged, so I swapped out the hoses with another pair that I had hanging up in the basement. Still no hot water in the washer but I did find out that the "new" cold water hose leaked by the fitting - after the washer finished the cycle, of course. I mopped up the mess, swapped out the hoses and threw another load of clothes in to make sure there were no more leaks. Since we've been talking about getting a new washer anyway, the Missus went up town and bought a new washer and dryer. They'll be here next week - new hoses, installation and carting off the old appliances included. Since I'm operating on the ten year plan, we should now be good on laundry equipment for as long as we're going to be here.

I machined the stubs for the footpeg mounts. I'll get them tacked together and tack welded to the bike today. I would have done that yesterday but I did some gardening and mowed the front yard instead. By the time I finished mowing the temperature was back down in the forties, so I put the flannel sheets back on the bed. Of course it's supposed to hit the eighties over the weekend now, but cool again next week. I wish the weather would make up it's mind - I've got a lot of outside work that needs to be done and it's time to make some rhubarb bread, a brake pedal and the rear sprocket should be here on Tuesday.

Edit: I forgot today was May Day - probably has more significance for those of us in the proletariat than in past years. It's also Derby Day, Amtrak's 50th birthday, my older brother's birthday, and the ninth anniversary of my younger brother's passing. Happy birthday Dave! 


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