The hardware order came yesterday from Bolt Depot. Another outfit that gives good value and service. Which is why, unless it's just one or two of something, it's my first choice when I need fasteners. I also bought some small drill bits from them on this order. If they work well I'll order a few more on my next order. The photo is of the 1/4 -28 Grade 8 bolts and nuts for the Rickati sprocket, by the way.
Pile of parts for the side hustle - 110 of them in fact. I'm in the process of grinding a relief in the sides below the mounting hole. This is a real pain in the ass. I've been doing the grinding with a carbide burr in my die grinder and it gets the job done but with the grinding and de-burring it takes almost 5 minutes for each piece. 5 x 110/ 60 = 8 hours minimum on top of the cutting and drilling I've already done. The one blessing is that I shouldn't have to make any more of these in the future.
It's supposed to be a cold, rainy, miserable type of day today, so I'll spend a few more hours grinding parts and maybe bake a couple of loaves of rhubarb bread. The weekly walkies group will probably be a washout, so might as well spend a little time in the kitchen baking. I did have a good week on the bicycle - made it out 5 times with a 9 mile ride yesterday. My legs and my wind are both starting to come back around. Still a long way from where I want to be but that's what happens when you don't stay with it. I read last night something about a cyber attack on the big gasoline pipeline on the east coast. I'm sure gas prices will be going up even more now than they already have this year. Might be plenty of incentive to ride the bicycle for most of my errands now.
Good reaading your post