Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Just Because You Have A Welder .....


doesn't make you a welder. While we all had to start somewhere, maybe see about setting up the machine on a bit of scrap. This is a belt guard off of an edger.

After working a bit of my magic. I rolled up a piece of stock and welded it on after trimming off the junk. This guard has a double layer on it as it might drag across the sidewalk when in use I'm guessing.

This is the blade guard on the edger. This piece was broken completely out. I dressed the edges a bit to get the broken piece to fit properly and then welded the seam inside and out.

The reason the blade guard broke was due to the blade not running on center. The blade has a mounting hole that's a bit over 1" and it's held on with a 1/2" bolt. No way you can get it centered, and even if you got lucky and did get it running true, the first time you put a heavy load on it it's going to move off center again. The photo shows the start of a bushing to center it up and hold the blade on properly.

This edger is for the side hustle. The boss said he needed this ASAP, which was good, because it got me off the other job for him. I did get a few more pieces ground down, though. I'll drill and ream the center hole and part off the bushing first thing today so he can have it. Actually, maybe second thing. Depending on the weather, I want to get out on the bike first thing. I got my 6 miles in yesterday. Hoping to get out just about every day it's not raining.

TVI swung by yesterday morning with the fork leg for his HD. Doesn't look like too difficult of a fix. We had a nice chat while he was here. I've missed talking shop with him and a couple others over this past year. Nice to see him finally getting his bike together - should be a nice rig when he gets it finished.

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