Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tired of Hearing About Covid And Vaccines


3.3 ounces in case you were wondering.

I took the dog to the groomer yesterday. The groomer lady was hit with the cooties a while back. She said she's still having some after affects. I talked to a guy yesterday whose mother and sister had it as well. The sister was hospitalized, mom just like a normal flu - not that that's ever good. I'm tired of all of this. It's been over a year now and our betters keep moving the finish line. Now they're saying the only way to get to herd immunity is to vaccinate the young-uns. Of course they'll have to keep getting them because the shots are not a true vaccine and no-one knows what the long term results will be on their health. I think I'd have less trouble dealing with this if they would have been honest with us from the very beginning and just told us they had no idea what this virus was capable of and to just follow the normal protocol of hand washing, etc. until they got a handle on things. 

I also heard a little bit of a radio conversation about the mortgage and rental forbearance. Apparently the banks will now be able to start foreclosure proceedings at the end of June. The finance guy was saying with the red hot housing market right now it might be best to sell the house. The only thing is, then what do you do? If you can't make your house payment, you won't be able to buy another one. The rent forbearance runs to the end of the year they were saying. There's no way that's going to end well either. Lots of trouble on the horizon.

Closer to home, the material I ordered for the side hustle came yesterday. I'm planning on getting started on that job today. I'll also be heading over there to finish a job I started a year or so ago. And I've got a job for a former student. All aluminum work with new material. He brought some nice shiny angle to use. A little bit of engineering work and TIG welding. The new sprocket for the Rickati project should arrive today. When I get that bolted on, I'll be able to have a better idea of what I need for making the brake pedal and shifter set-up. Should be enough to keep me busy for a few days.

The new washer and dryer was delivered yesterday. One of the few nice things about getting old is the fact there are certain things that you probably will never have to do again - buying a washer and dryer should be one of those things.   

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