Saturday, June 5, 2021

Play By The Rules


Made some serious inroads on getting the tranny cleaned up. It's looking good from the topside but I haven't touched the bottom yet. I'll work on that today. 

The rule book showed up yesterday. I just thumbed through it briefly but I saw enough to know I'm going to have to read it very carefully. While I'd definitely like to run down the salt, I don't know if it would be worth all the trouble if I wasn't going to take it seriously, which at this point I'm not. They have a class for vintage oval track cars but the slant six doesn't fit the requirements. Not sure what class it would fit into yet. Besides reading the rule book very carefully, I need someone locally who could act as an interpreter of the rules and make sure whatever I do will satisfy the tech inspectors if I make the trek. Also need to see if Cuzzin Ricky would be good with getting salt all over his truck and trailer.

Regardless of what I decide, the rig's going to need a transmission in it, so I'll keep working that angle for the present along with finishing up the build on the Rickati. The temperatures jumped up into the nineties. That always takes me a couple of weeks to get accustomed to. So I need to change both my work and workout schedule. Shift things to early mornings and late afternoons. Ninety degrees, when just a couple of weeks ago we had frost warnings. Love this Indiana weather.


  1. I know the guy who can help with the rules. I'll find his info. He lives in Chesterton and has been a Bonneville tech inspector for years.

  2. That would be a big help. It'd be nice to run my plan on the roll cage and a couple of other things by him before I make it, only to find out later it won't pass inspection after traveling 1000 miles.

