Monday, July 12, 2021



The mosquitos are terrible around here now, what with all the rain and warm weather we've been having. I trimmed some trees Friday so I could mow under them and to keep the branches from getting into the service drop for the shack. Friday night I was scratching skeeter bites to beat the band but I still had more to do on Saturday so I got out my long sleeve welding shirt with the pearl buttons. I looked like either a cowboy or a pipefitter, at least until I put my hat on, but I don't recall ever hearing a pipefitter tune so I went with cowboy music on the lead-in.

The Missus got a call on Saturday from the doctor with the test results from Thursday's visit. I answered the phone and was a little concerned when it was the doctor himself calling rather than a nurse, especially on a Saturday. However, all was good.

We got the Missus' car fixed on Friday. One of the ignition coils went bad. New coil and plugs and back in business. 

Bike training's going well. I was able to get out every day last week in spite of the rain. Had to skip yesterday morning but I did walk three miles. I've still got two weeks until the race. That won't be time enough to be in great shape but I'm well on my way to being able to do a distance ride later in the year. They're having one locally the 7th of August - 62.3 miles - just what I'm looking for but it's $65.00. I'm not sure I'll be ready for the distance by then but I'm sure I don't want to pay $65.00. There's a 62 miler about a month later that's not too far from home that has an entry fee that's only $20.00. I'm thinking that might be the one. As soon as I'm done with the bike race, I'll start doing some longer rides.

I'm going to pick up some material for the side hustle job today and try to figure out what I'm going to do with the front end on the jitney project.  

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