Friday, July 16, 2021

Unrest Is Coming


There's been lots of music written about Ireland's struggles to be free. With the way things are going in this country, might soon be an opportunity for the songwriters here to document our struggles - inflation, homelessness, business closures, riots, crop failures, masks, vaccinations, and vaccine passports, and this one could be huge, election irregularities  - or maybe just dust off some of the old Woody Guthrie tunes. Interesting times and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. I'd like to think I'm fairly well prepared for whatever comes along but I'm not feeling all that comfortable with it. 

Lots of fruit on the trees and berries on the vines. What I need to do is work on preserving more of the harvest. I've never done any canning before and the Missus is no longer able to. We've got all the stuff to do it, however. I can dry some of the apples and make cider or wine out of some of them. Frozen peaches are easy enough and the peach wine I made a few years ago turned out well.

I've got lots of rose hips on the bushes but I've never done anything with them in the past. They offer a variety of health benefits so I'm going to do a little more research on them. They say the best time to pick them is after a light frost, like the persimmons. I keep this up I'll be a real Mr. Natural.

And then again, maybe not.

I finished all the fab work on the parts for the side hustle. I'll run the flap wheel over the welds to remove any scale and then get them painted. If I get them done today I can drop them off and be looking for a paycheck next Friday.

In addition to picking up some paint today, I'll get a couple of bolts for the channel I cleaned up so I can get the perches welded onto the jitney axle. It's looking like rain for a couple of days, so I'll spend some time in the shop getting some more progress done on the car and finishing up the shifter and brake on the Rickati project. I'm thinking my buddy should be ready for the engine one of these days soon.

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