Monday, August 30, 2021



I went to a lot of trouble to be able to post this picture - shame it's not a better photograph. The sun was shining on the screen of my little flip phone while I was on my bike ride, so I really couldn't see what I was looking at. And then I couldn't get it to load up in my e-mail program so I sent it to my gmail account on the desktop computer and then sent that to my laptop. Tech version of Tinker to Evans to Chance.

The point of all of this is that Christina Orange is a whore. Not just your run of the mill whore but a cheating using bar whore according to the signatory Best Friend. Which reminds me of this: 

I started teaching in 1976 at Washington High School in East Chicago, Indiana. It was a comprehensive high school with a diverse student population - Blacks, browns, first and second generation Eastern Europeans, and occasionally, a student from south of the Mason-Dixon line. Interesting mix and for the most part everyone got along. The mills were booming and a lot of my students went to work right after graduation in a good paying job with insurance, pension, etc. I really enjoyed the job and it was a great experience for me. And every morning as I pulled in I was greeted by "Rosalinda is a ho" in big letters painted on the side of the building. I never knew who Rosalinda was, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for her.

Meanwhile back on the bicycle ride, I put 30 miles in before it got too damn hot again. No sore muscles later on, so I think I'm ready for the big ride coming up this weekend. We'll do either 41 or 62 depending on weather conditions. I plan on getting one more 20 miler in Tuesday or Wednesday. 

I did see something interesting besides the graffiti while out. As I was pedaling down a pretty sparsely traveled country road, I went by a guy standing at the end of his driveway holding a few tomatoes and he didn't look too happy. I'm thinking somebody pissed him off and he was planning on settling the score with the tomatoes if they drove by again.  

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