Wednesday, August 25, 2021

New Wheels And Old Bike


Photo of my trusty steed - I took it out to the shop to oil up the chain yesterday. I've gotten one helluva return on my $4.00 investment. Of course, I've had to replace some things over the years - wheels and saddle most notably. This rig and I have been all over the country. I was ready to post another 100 mile update on here but I was 1/10 of a mile short when I finished my long ride last week and when I was putting the front wheel back on I straddled the bike to hook the brake cable back up I must have pushed against the button and reset the trip odometer to zero. The total mileage is 1764 and that's after changing out the speedometer several years back, so the absolute mileage is probably well over 3000. The new number should be well over 2000 by the season's end.

My wheels came in yesterday. The color rendition in the photo isn't very accurate. The wheels are more of a dark gray - they're going to look good on the finished project. I'll get the tires and wheels to the tire shop and have them mounted in the next couple of days.

I moved the engine back on the jitney, raised it up an inch and then welded the motor mounts in place. Afterwards I moved the car back to allow me to get the Jeep in the shop. I crawled underneath it to get a better idea of what it will take to get it fixed and then I bailed out. According to the Chicago weatherman, yesterday was the hottest day of the summer. My thermometer read 95 and the heat index was about 107. No wonder I was sweating like I was. It's supposed to be hot again for the next few days. I'm planning on getting out in the shop early today and getting after it. I want to get the Jeep done and gone. 

I got the results of my appeal from the US Post Office - rejected. No real surprise there. The reason given was I didn't have any supporting documents such as a receipt for the brake shoes. I then received an e-mail survey asking for my opinion on the service I received. For all the good it will do me, I explained that no one has receipts for all the individual parts of a vehicle purchased and that I had sent them an eBay listing of a new set of brake shoes. I don't know what one would do to prevent this sort of thing if you found yourself in a similar situation. Regardless, I'm done with it. I've got brake shoes on the rear wheel, so I'm golden.


  1. Those wheels are bad ass. Good choice.

  2. Thanks - I'll get the rear ones ordered after my next Social Security check comes in. I'm heading to the tire shop in a little while to get the tires mounted on these.
