Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Progress - Such As It Is


The Missus needed a copy of our marriage license to get the new Real ID drivers license. We've never needed an official copy before, the one that was issued to us by the church has always been sufficient. As far as I'm concerned, if you have a valid drivers license and a passport that should be all that's required but the license bureau seems to pride themselves on sending you home to get at least one more piece of paper or having you fill out one more form. Anyway, the bike trail goes right by the court house, so I figured I'd ride some more of the trail and then get the marriage license. I rode it almost to the end of the line - put in 26 miles round trip yesterday and got the license.

My buddy came down in the evening and got the motor for the Rickati project. He's got quite a bit going on now but he said he'll get it apart and see what he needs. He just picked up some parts and tools for these little Ducati motors but he hasn't got them all sorted. One step closer.

I got the axle assembled on the jitney. Everything fits together well. I'm not sure how tight the nuts on the spring shackles should be. If I tighten them up nice and snug the suspension doesn't move. If I put a jack under the axle it picks up the whole car without the shackles pivoting. Looks like a little more research is required. Of course there's no weight on the front end yet either. 

I'll keep working on the car and do some welding on the bike frame. I need to take the Missus to a few more appointments and get some more miles in on the bicycle. Progress might be slow but it's still progress.

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