Friday, September 10, 2021

More Wild Kingdom


What's left of a giant wasp nest that blew down during the storm the other night. I had no idea it was in the tree - maybe I need to look up once in a while. There weren't any wasps around when I went to check it out, thank goodness. Of course they had to go somewhere. I'll need to be on the lookout.

It was a beautiful day yesterday for a motorcycle ride so I delivered some tools to Surly on the Himalayan. And because it was relatively cool, I went up in the woodshop to clean up the mess from the last job to get ready for another one. I started sorting out some old magazines, catalogs and project books and plans. I've got a bunch of woodworking magazines that I'm going to thumb through but I should probably just toss them rather than wasting time looking through them. I did find an old Street Rodder  magazine that has an article on setting up straight axles, now that I've got mine set. I'm going to read the article and see how close I came with my set-up compared to what's in the article. The how-to on making a waste basket with Pexto machines is gone now along with the welding projects booklet. I've got to keep whittling away at all the ephemera.

The latest order of parts for the jitney came yesterday. I should be able to have the front end from the steering box forward complete now that I can get the drag link installed. I'll need to get the cab/dash hood mounted back on the frame rails and get the firewall cut for the trans clearance before I can figure out the rest of the steering but I'll also be able to see where I'm going to put the remote oil filter, ignition coil, etc. Slowly but surely it's getting there. 

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