Friday, September 24, 2021

Pinholes, Trans Mounts and Steering Disconnects


While cleaning and sorting I came across one of the pinhole cameras I've made over the years. This one was made from a 10# welding rod can that I cut off and then ran through the beading and crimping roll so the lid would fit again. The inside is painted flat black, the outside I sprayed with some metallic silver I had laying around. The pinhole is under the sticker I put on to keep paint out of the pinhole. I usually just use a bit of black electrical tape for a shutter. My "film" is a piece of printing paper cut to fit in the can. I don't remember the size of the hole I drilled in the can which will cause a bit of a problem determining the exposure time. I've got a chart of exposure times for various pinhole diameters. I'll see if I can come up with the diameter and then cut some paper up and try taking a couple of pics.

The shifter mount came in yesterday - about a week earlier than expected. Looks like it'll work out just dandy except the hole in the arm on the side of the shifter is too small for the bolt that fastens the linkage to it. Drilling the hole out is no biggie, I was just surprised that it would be necessary.

I took a longer look at the new steering wheel yesterday. I'm going to get a quick release hub to make getting in and out of the car easier. 

It's going to take a bit of machine work to get it to fit the wheel since the wheel wasn't made to bolt on with the standard three hole mounting. I made a quick sketch with some rough dimensions and I think I've got it figured out.

I picked up a job for the side hustle yesterday morning and started on it. I did a similar job a couple of years ago. It took me a bit to figure the first one out but since I've already made one, this should go quick. 

I put the second coat of stain on the picture frame - looks pretty good. The wood was chosen strictly by price. Rather than cutting down a piece of construction lumber, I bought two pieces of aspen. I've never used aspen for anything before. It's extremely white without any finish on it but it looks nice with the two coats of maple combined stain & varnish. The stain brought out the grain in the wood and it was quite a bit cheaper than one of the hardwoods. I still need to get a piece of glass and either buy or make a hanger for the back.  

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