Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Praying Mantis & Steering Wheel Progress


I was leaving yesterday to go walk and I saw this Praying Mantis on the door. This is a photo taken from the inside of the house looking out - belly-eye view as it were.

I wasn't sure if it would still be on the door after I opened it but it was, so I got a photo of it from the top side as well. Crazy looking things.

The item on the left in the photo is the adaptor to mount the quick disconnect to the steering wheel. It looks fairly simple but there are three different diameters, three different lengths and the one diameter is tapered which makes figuring the length a bit tricky. I still need to cut a keyway in it and drill it for the mounting bolts on the quick disconnect. I've got an old steering wheel with a three hole mounting but I don't think that's going to be the diameter of the bolt circle on the quick disconnect. The wheel has a bolt circle of about 2-1/16" but Grant steering wheels which are probably the most common are 1-3/4" I think. The quick disconnect should be here today, so I'm hoping to get it finished today once I know for sure the bolt circle.

The item on the right is a piece that goes into the middle of the steering wheel where a horn button would normally go. The hole in the middle will accommodate a stainless button head screw. That will pull the adaptor up into the taper on the hub. 

Looks pretty good dropped into the hub. About the only thing left on the steering is to actually figure out how to get from the steering wheel to the steering box. That'll keep me thinking for a while. I'm also thinking I should have a spinner/brody knob on the steering wheel. The width of the rim and spokes might mean I'll have to make my own but that should be easy enough. I've got one on the old Allis I can use for a model.

Lots left to do but if I continue to keep pecking away at it, the jitney should be a runner next summer.

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