Thursday, September 16, 2021



My shifter showed up yesterday morning. It's all stainless, has a neutral safety switch and it's made in America. The instruction sheet has two part numbers for the spring that controls the side movement through the gates. One for 12" shift levers and one for 16" and 23" levers. According to the instructions the spring for the 12" lever is in the bag of parts but I didn't see one in there. They list a couple of shifters even shorter than 12". I'm thinking about 8" will do it for me. I'll get my lever made and once I have the mounting kit I'll see what's what with the spring. The shift knob should be here tomorrow, so I can make the lever over the weekend. I think I've got a piece of stainless that'll  work.

It was an absolutely beautiful day yesterday. I put 16 miles in on the bike. I sent my entry in for the 50 mile ride in October, so I need to keep riding. My other package showed up yesterday about the same time I got home from the grocery store. I wasn't going to waste a beautiful day laying around the shack again waiting for the FedEx truck. 

I'm taking the Missus north to receive some more medical treatment today - seems like that's a never ending thing. I did notice there's nothing on the calendar next week for either of us. Maybe call Cuzzin Ricky and see if he wants to do breakfast and maybe a trip to the gun range. I can't remember the last time we went to the range. We've both had cataract surgery since the last time out. It'll be interesting to see how that's affected our marksmanship. We both could use some improvement as I recall. 

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