I tinkered around a bit with the dash layout. The horns on the bottom corners really help the look. I cut out some circles to represent the three gauges, tachometer, ignition switch, starter button, and one other for a choke cable or light switch if I decide to add them. TVI left a comment on my last post. He mentioned perhaps incorporating the engine turned aluminum as a gauge cluster on a wooden dash. Not a bad idea but since space is at a premium, I don't think that'll work. However, if I could figure out how to make that happen, I think I'd use brass rather than aluminum. The brass would compliment the wood finish nicely.
I'll keep working on the steering and shop for gauges. I was planning on using the classic Stewart Warner black face gauges but white faces would look good with a wood dash. Decisions - decisions.
I bolted in the bearing on the inside of the plywood to start on connecting the actual steering shaft. The quick disconnect will make it easy to align the spokes into what ever position I want to make it easy to read the gauges.
Happy birthday today to Surly. He's starting to get up in years but I suppose that's what happens when his old man is 71. Enjoy your day, buddy!
Thanks, Dad for the birthday wishes. Also, perhaps you could add some brass details to the wood. An oval plaque or legend plates for the switches, etc...
ReplyDeleteI ordered gauges - they should be here today. When those show up I'll take a closer look at my layout and see about a gauge cluster or switch plate. The opening on the top right side of the dash would be a good spot for a makers plaque like the one I'm planning out of brass for the grill shell. Be real nice if I could get a couple enameled ones made up with the old "Playthings" logo.