Saturday, November 13, 2021

$10.00 Per Hour And All The Aggravation You Could Want

 When I was out Thursday I went by a high school on the way to the work clothes store. They had a few signs posted along the road looking to hire for various positions. On one of the signs was a posting for substitute teachers. I was going along at the legal clip and trying to watch the traffic but I thought I saw $70.00 per day. School days are usually about 7-1/2 hours per day, so you could put up with the little monsters for less than $10.00 per hour. I checked their website when I got home and someone with a teaching certificate would make $75.00. So now you're up to an actual $10.00 per hour, before taxes of course. Top rate of $85.00 goes to teachers that are retired from that corporation. You'd really have to have a love of the game to work for those wages when you could make $15.00 per hour at most any fast food joint, some of which are paying a decent sign-on bonus if you work there for a year, and have a lot less aggravation. 

There's no kind of money that would get me to substitute, especially now with all the covid protocols. $10.00 per hour for someone with a Bachelor's degree? That's downright insulting. You'd be lucky to take home $50.00 per day after taxes. If you can't get people to work for $15.00, how are you going to get them to work for ten when they have to pass a background check and go through a training session. It be a lot easier dumping the bag of potatoes into the fryer. Sometimes you have to wonder what goes through the minds of supposedly educated people. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I've been getting the legs limbered up a bit for the race walk coming up in a couple of weeks. Still not feeling real loose, like a long necked goose but better. While out Thursday I also got the second dose of the pneumonia vaccine. The arm was sore as hell later in the day and a bit still when I got up Friday morning. I walked a mile and worked the double end bag and that seemed to help. I don't know what kind of pace I'll be able to hold on race day, but I'm feeling good. Now I  need to find something after that to keep me on pace with my fitness plan.


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