Monday, November 22, 2021

Engineering Change


Had a bit of a design change on the bearing support for the steering shaft on the jitney. Took a few minutes to get the hole centered in the four jaw chuck but other than that, nothing to it.

I got my walkies in yesterday as well - another nice afternoon to be out. Except for the guy burning leaves. Since it had rained in the morning I figured it was going to be safe to get outside and get some fresh air. Instead, probably more smoke than usual since the leaves were wet and the breeze was carrying the smoke directly into the park. I had read in the Epoch Times just that morning the advantages of exercising outside. I've always been a big proponent of running and walking outside in the fresh air rather than on a treadmill indoors. Besides the boredom factor, it's easier on the knees and helps with your balance. However, the article dealt more with the mental aspect. I can use all the help I can get in that department these days. In fact, the paper had another article addressing how all this covid monkey-business has been putting the Vise Grips on our mental health. Lots more crap coming our way I'm afraid. 2022 looks like it's going to be a real doozy. 

Get prepared, get your mind right and hang on tight. 

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