Monday, December 13, 2021

Can It Get Any Worse?


A couple of tunes from Merle - not really happy tunes but these aren't really happy times. Not only will we have to make it through December, but the whole of 2022 isn't looking all that good right about now.

From Here

Looks like maybe the people are getting a bit fed up with the whole cooties affair. I know I am. This shit's been mis-played right from day one and it just keeps getting worse. The people in a position of authority at the national level should know how to deal with a coronavirus, especially this one, since they helped underwrite the development of it. There has never been an effective vaccine for a coronavirus, if there was, we would no longer have to deal with the common cold. The majority of people dying from the cooties are elderly and/or short on vitamin D. There is no reason on God's green earth to administer this "vaccine" to young people and put their future health in jeopardy. Especially since most of the animals in the testing trials died. This cooties stuff is never going to go away, especially with the lockdowns and mandates and the government allowing selected people to come into the country unrestricted and then bussing them to locations all around the USA. Anyone with a modicum of sense would tell you, that's a bad idea.

And where are all those border jumpers coming from? According to an article in this week's The Epoch Times, "In one week, 22,651 illegal aliens from 40 countries were apprehended in Texas near the US-Mexico border." Some of those were fugitives and gang members and the authorities confiscated quantities of marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, guns and large amounts of cash. How much cash? "In the past six months, three separate currency seizures each exceeded $1.5 million." Like always, if you want to know the why of something, follow the money.

The container ships are still stacking up off the west coast. The value of a dollar continues to shrink and the old line "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" is becoming a personal mantra for more than a few people. Not a good sign.

Big storm here on Friday night. Wind gusts 50 - 60 mph, torrential rain, tornado sirens going off, the whole works. Fortunately, it wasn't a snow storm. The temperature was about sixty degrees at 10PM. While bad, no damage done here around the shack. However, the same can't be said for those poor people that were hit by that tornado in Kentucky and parts of other states. My heart goes out to them all for the loss of their loved ones and property. For them, maybe making it through December will make everything alright as Merle sings. More than likely, for some, things will never be alright again. Better maybe, but never alright or the same. 

There's only about three weeks left of 2021. I sure as hell hope 2022 is going to be better but I'm not going to hold my breath. 

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