Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tee Shirt Tuesday # 6

 I've been called that more than once in my 71 years - sometimes in jest, sometimes seriously and I'm sure at least a few times behind my back or under someone's breath. You can't make it through life without stepping on some toes. Looking back on my life, I'm sure I deserved it more than a few times. Now I try not to offend anyone - since I don't know what burdens they're carrying on their shoulders. Might just be that I've matured/mellowed over the years. However, some people are, in fact, just ***holes. Seems they manage to get promoted to positions of authority on a regular basis, like maybe a superintendent of schools, or elected to prominent political offices, like maybe to Congress. I'm afraid there's no escaping them if you venture out in public - no shortage of examples this last couple of years.

In my case, my apology if I've been an ***hole towards you. Now at least if it happens it will most likely be inadvertent rather than intentional. 


  1. It should bring top dollar at the tee shirt stand at my funeral. Or maybe I'll just wear it.
