Friday, January 7, 2022

Colder Than a ............


You can fill in your favorite - well digger, witch or brass monkey.

I watched the Outdoor Classic on New Year's Day and the Minnesota Wild were wearing hats like this one during their warm-up on the ice. I commented to the Missus that I should have one of those - it showed up Wednesday. 

I wore it to breakfast with Cuzzin Ricky and TVI and later in the day when I walked down to get the mail. It was about 6 degrees when we went to breakfast but I was only outside for a few minutes. Later when I walked down the lane and checked on the chickens, it was only a few degrees warmer, overcast and breezy. I was dressed plenty warm but even with a balaclava/head sock I could feel the wind on my head. So it's a cool looking hat, but it's more like a 30 degree hat, rather than a 0 degree hat. 

My breakfast companions both spent quite a bit of time outside in the winter before they retired. I never had to spend any time out in the elements as a shop teacher but I did spend some time working outside prior to starting my teaching career and working side jobs. I respect everyone who has to work out in these conditions.

When the weatherman is talking wind chills of -25, it's dangerous cold. This is the time of year when you should dress for the conditions, fashion be damned. I bet there were a lot of people stuck in the traffic jam on I-95 recently that wish they would have had some additional clothing along with some food, water and a way to relieve themselves. I would like to know how those folks driving electric cars made out while parked for 18-19 hours trying to stay warm without using up all of their battery.

The temperatures are supposed to be about the same today as yesterday - high in the mid-teens. Rick drove me to the steel supply while we were out and I picked up a sheet to make the shock mounts. The weekend is supposed to be warmer, so I'll get out to the shop and work on those and finishing up the cab. In the meantime, one more day in the house.

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