Friday, January 21, 2022

Love & Happiness


Love & happiness - that's what makes the world go 'round. I listened to a bit of the speech by the "President" the other day - can't say that I was inspired or felt any love & happiness. Seems he forgot to mention a few things when he was bragging up his accomplishments. Things like the fiasco of the pullout from Afghanistan, the 50% increase in gas prices, 7% increase in inflation, 2 million illegals invading the country at the southern border, and his throwing in the towel on covid-19 at the federal level. 

However, while I was waiting for my tires to get mounted on Monday, I ran down the street to the library and came across this little gem. As a heart patient, I'm very interested in all things pertaining to heart health. This book goes into a lot more than just the mechanical workings of the heart. The title is an apt description of what's covered. Very interesting read and if you're looking for love and happiness, he explains the "love hormone", oxytocin and how it gives us the "feels".

I got my grow lights all set down the basement. Simple set-up. A couple of small clamp lights that are clipped to a 1x4 hanging from a couple of short chains. This will allow me to easily raise and lower the lights and move them to another location to supplement the small amount of daylight I've got coming in the basement window as necessary. Now I just need to find the African Violet seeds I put somewhere for safe keeping and get those started. The tomatoes are up, though. Hope to have homegrown tomatoes by April. That'll bring the love & happiness. As the song goes:" only two things money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes."

The bulbs are LED rather than incandescent. They give off a blue light with a purplish tint, at least as far as I can tell with my color deficient eyeballs. The tintype kit I bought mentions that the photo chemicals are sensitive to blue light. I might be able to supplement my regular photoflood bulbs with these to allow me to take photos indoors. Might want to experiment with that.

Anyway, love & happiness to you all. 

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