Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Tee Shirt Tuesday #11


My buddy Jimmy, who I coached as an amateur, helped work his corner as a pro and started the local boxing gym with, got this one for me. The gym's been open for 13-14 years now but I worked with a few guys before we had an actual gym. I'm a big fan of amateur boxing and have missed going to the gym the last two years due to the cooties. I don't know when it'll ever be safe to go back but I renewed my coaching license again this year, so I'm ready when the time comes. As for putting the gloves on - those days are long gone, I'm sorry to say.

I finished wrapping the sheets around the round stock on both halves of the cab sheets except for the section where the sheets overlap. I need to cut the rod where the splice is and then I can rivet the two halves together along with the filler pieces. I left the rod sticking out of the filler sheets but I'll trim them back to about an inch. When I roll the bead around the dash hood, I'll leave the rod inside short by a corresponding amount to help support the splice. The overlap of the sheets will be fastened with Dzus fasteners.


  1. Your shirt collection is far cooler than I thought it would be. I look forward to more of these.

  2. I'll keep posting them until I run out of them or I make week 52.
