I've been looking for oyster crackers for about a month now. All the local stores have been sold out. The Missus checked Amazon and bingo! We got crackers the very next day. What's even more incredible is the fact that the Amazon driver made it in before I plowed. Most of the lane was clear since the wind was blowing so hard when it was snowing but by the road and the house it was pretty deep. I plowed both of those areas and shoveled the sidewalk and in front of the door where I park my truck, then called it quits. It's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow - I'll let Mother Nature take care of the rest of it.
Things are getting more and more interesting with our neighbors to the north. Instead of just rethinking the mandate for the truckers, Trudeau has decided to use his emergency powers to intimidate them. That might be a bad idea. Most all of us realize damn near everything moves by truck and there's already a shortage of truck drivers and the products they move. If you start fining them, taking away their licenses and freezing their bank accounts, you damn sure aren't going to win any friends with the drivers or the population at large. Especially when all the store shelves are empty and the gas stations are out of fuel. And from what I've read, people are already figuring out if they can freeze the bank accounts of the truck drivers, they can freeze the accounts of their supporters or anyone else not going along with the program. Good way to get a run on the banks. Might wake people up to the dangers of digital banking. If they can shut your debit or credit card off without so much as a court order, cash and precious metals looks like a much better way to store your wealth, especially since you don't make any interest on a savings account. And you know the mopes in Washington would not think twice about doing something similar to us. In fact, they'll have to do some kind of digital sleight of hand to get out from under the financial corner they painted themselves into.
Stay alert, my friends. Anything can happen at this point.
Brandi says Aldi has oyster crackers.