Sunday, February 27, 2022

Shock Tower/Headlight Mount


Now more than ever!

Ural HQ Statement

"Dear Friends,

We wish we wouldn’t have to update you under the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Questions and concerns inevitably come up about possible sanctions, availability of bikes and parts, support and so on. The short answer is that we are as ready as we can possibly be to address whatever challenges may come our way. Over the years we've learned to navigate ups and downs, to make plans B, C and D both strategically and on the fly. We’ve weathered storms that were very real and dealt with obstacles that were not so publicly known. The history of our brand shows that Ural always finds a way to move forward.

Our highest priorities have always been our employees, our partners and our customers. We still hope for people to remain human, value life and stand for living instead of fighting.

We pray for peace."

I received the above in an e-mail the other day. Slow Joe is implementing sanctions against Russia that are going to affect a lot of people. This on top of all the other effects that have come our way the last two years. I did find it interesting that he didn't want to sanction Russia's petroleum so our gas prices wouldn't increase anymore. Must be afraid of having his job approval level sink even deeper into the hole. You know it's not because he's concerned about working stiffs or retirees. I do like the way Ural has addressed its customer base, however. Both the fact they put something out and the sentiment enclosed.


I worked on fitting the shock towers yesterday - would have been a lot easier with another pair of hands. I had to tack a piece onto the tower in order to have something to clamp to. As you can see in the photo, it's leaning outward so I need to adjust the angle to get it plumb. That'll require me to remove the piece for clamping, decide the angle to trim it at, then tack the clamping piece back on, then hold it in place with one hand while clamping with the other, and then hope I got the angle right the first time. And then repeat the process on the other side. Should look good as long as I get the angle right and both sides match.

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