Thursday, March 24, 2022

Another Pic


Another photo with the new phone. I played around with it yesterday to start getting the feel for it. It's got a "pro" setting where you can set the white balance, brightness, contrast, add effects and all kinds of other jazz. Now that I know about it, I'll have to spend some time getting comfortable with everything. It's said spring is supposedly on the way, so I'll have to get out on the motor bike and take some shots after it warms up - might be snow in a day or two. Speaking of motor bikes, my buddy called me on Sunday with an update on the Ducati motor for the vintage trials bike. He tells me he's pretty close to being done with it. 

I worked on my taxes yesterday again. I've about got everything ready to go to the tax lady next week. I need to pull out last years to make sure I haven't forgotten anything she'll need and organize it all. I'll get that done in the next couple of days. I have to start taking my Minimum Required Distribution on my retirement accounts. I've got until the end of the year but I've got an appointment with one of the advisors next week. I'm curious as to what he's going to tell me, since I'm afraid the stock market is going to crash one of these days soon and I don't know of any other investment that's going to pay anything close to what the inflation rate is.

I did get the sheet metal on the dash hood wrapped around the stiffening rod yesterday. Not much of an accomplishment really, but now all the opening around the cockpit is done. I like how it looks - nice rounded edge on everything and it's plenty stiff.

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