Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tee Shirt Tuesday # 19

I heard this one on the local station the other day - been years since I'd heard it. That's why it's my go-to channel whenever I'm in the truck. Variety is the spice of life, baby!

I've got a new laptop on the way, the battery and fan in the current one have about given it up so I'm cleaning out the photo files. Here's a few things that were languishing in the files:


And now for the main event: the tee shirt. This one is quite a few years old. I've been retired from the high school ten years now and I got the shirt a few years before that, if memory serves. My buddy Kevin was the mover and shaker on taking students on the Tech Trek, which was held on the campus of Indiana State in Terre Haute. The students worked as teams to solve problems with what ever supplies they were given. Once they got their assignments, they were on their own. That meant Kevin and I had some time to kill. On this trip we visited the home of Eugene V. Debs, which is located on the campus.

I had read quite a bit about Debs and the labor movements prior to that, and was aware that he ran for President while incarcerated in federal prison after speaking out against World War I. Plus, as a railfan I was aware of his involvement with the railroad union. I do find it interesting with all the talk about Socialism these days, you never hear his name mentioned. I'm certainly no authority on Socialism, but I think his idea and the current interpretation are pretty far apart. Hard to knock a guy who was willing to go to jail for trying to better working conditions for the average Joe and spoke out against war. 


  1. I heard that song a million times but it has been forever since I heard till you posted it.

  2. The station I listen to plays mostly things from the sixties and seventies but they'll venture out from the normal playlist of other "oldies" stations. 18 With a Bullet is somewhat typical of that. They do a show on Sunday night - Sinatra and Friends that's a nice change, especially for a guy like me who likes to listen to a wide variety of music.
