Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fuzzy Turkeys & A Moon Shot


I went to an advisory committee meeting at the college last evening - nice seeing some of the folks I used to work with. The inflation problem is hitting the welding program hard. Consumables have gone up in price and one of the committee members, who is a sales rep for Lincoln Electric, said they've had eight price increases since last February, with more sure to come.

One of the other members is in charge of training for the boilermakers and he was saying once again about how hard it was to get people who will actually work. He counsels everyone before they fill out the application about the job requirements and what they'll be expected to do on the job - fit through a 12"x16" man way, climb to whatever height is required, work in the heat and the cold and in dirty environments. However, the compensation package is excellent. Many of them still sign up only to quit as soon as they get out on the job. What a helluva wasted opportunity.

Before the breakout session with the individual programs, the general session opened up with the lady in charge putting out a call for instructors, especially in the welding program. My old boss will be retiring at the end of this semester and he has been teaching five classes. He said he might come back in the fall as an adjunct but he won't be teaching five classes. That's going to make the need for instructors even more dire. Most of the classes are two days per week. I might be talked into teaching a day class again. Maybe.

Photo of the turkeys was shot out of the truck window on my way home from the meeting. I rested the phone on the door while the truck was running and zoomed in a bit. I was surprised the shot came out as sharp as it did. The camera's pretty impressive in it's ability to take decent photographs with just the touch of a button.

I shot this one resting my hand on the deck railing - almost too easy.

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