Friday, April 22, 2022

Hammerin' Out The Jobs

Since it turned out to be a nice afternoon yesterday, I decided to just piddle around in the shop a bit working some odds and ends. Went ahead and fit the hammer head to the handle, rather than putting it off to the side somewhere.

I made the tabs for fastening the dashboard of the jitney in place. I still need to round the top corners off a bit. It's about time to get a new 10-24 tap also. While the new phone takes good photos, it doesn't seem to work real well on close-ups. I don't know if there's a macro setting on it or I'm just wiggling when punching the button. Need to look into that.

I bought some leveling feet for the legs I need to make for the boss at the side hustle. They're not very thick, so I needed to adjust my design a little to maintain the required height. I swung by the steel supply and dropped off the material list. The tubing comes in 24' lengths, so the boss is going to pick the material up with his trailer. There'll be some hole drilling and threading of parts, so I'll get those pieces cut to length and bring them to my shop to do that. The rest the boss's son and I can do at his shop. Should be able to knock this one out in a couple of Saturdays

Surly said he might be down this weekend. He's got an aluminum job that needs to be done and he'll give me a hand with a bit of heavy lifting I need help with. 

And from the good news department: Some knucklehead decided to annoy Mike Tyson on an airplane and after Mike decided he'd had enough of it, he proceeded to pound some knots on the dude's head. With all the trouble they've been having on airplanes of late, they should hire Mike and a few other heavyweights to ride along on the planes to deal with unruly passengers. A good ass-whoopin' make you think twice before causing trouble on a public conveyance.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, things are coming along nicely. I'm always a whole lot more ambitious in the springtime - which is a good thing. Plenty to do around the old shack and in the shop. 

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