Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sleepless Night

"Car knocker" flashlight. Just the ticket for around the farm and shop. Nice bright, wide beam. Just the thing for working on a piece of equipment or checking for varmints in the middle of the night.


 The Missus woke me up a little after midnight Friday night. She told me the chickens were making a lot of noise like something might be out there. I grabbed my slippers, flashlight and firearm and went out to reconnoiter. Nothing seemed to be amiss, so I went back to bed. About an hour later the cat woke me up trying to cough up a hair ball. Shortly after that I was awakened by the cat batting at something on the other side of the screen.

My window is of the awning type that hinges along the top edge. I had it open to the point there was about a three inch gap along the bottom edge. Just enough for a bat to get between the inside of the window and the screen, as it turned out. The cat chased the bat away so I went back to sleep. Round two came along some time after that. The cat batted the screen, the bat left and I closed the window completely. Never a dull moment around here.

I received a catalog from Lee Valley recently and saw a reel mower sharpener. It's got a gizmo that clamps to the mower base and a strip of adhesive backed sandpaper goes on that. Spin the reel and it sharpens the blades. Hope it works as advertised. The little blue & silver gizmo in the foreground is a sharpening stick. I was a dime short of getting free shipping on my order so I threw that in. I ran it across the serrated edge of my pocket knife and it seemed to work well.

Worked a little more on the table legs for the side hustle yesterday. I'm still not 100% but don't have the shortness of breath, at least with what I was doing in the shop.

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