Wednesday, June 15, 2022

$5.19 @ The Pump


I filled up the truck and a 5 gallon can last evening and then I took the wife's car down and filled it up as well. Her car hit me for $53.40 on top of the $105.48 in the photo. Neither one of us drive much, so the high prices aren't going to hurt us much directly, but since everything gets shipped or delivered using gasoline or diesel fuel, it'll take a chunk out of our hide. 

I put in my six miles on the bicycle early yesterday morning before it got too hot. A good thing I did, too. It got up to 97 in the afternoon but the humidity wasn't as bad as Monday. Hot is hot, however. It was still 92 at 7:00 PM. Today's supposed to be a repeat. I got a few little things done but nothing on the jitney. It was just too damn hot. It always takes me about two weeks to get myself accustomed to the heat - likewise when the cold weather comes around. I'll try and get out there a little earlier today and do a little something, even if it is wrong.

While out on the bike ride yesterday, I thought about the race I've done a few times in the past. I looked it up when I got home and it's back on after a two year absence. I sent a message to my running/biking buddy to see if she's interested. The answer back was she's going to check out the details and get back to me. Even if the answer is no, I think I'll sign up. Be good motivation to get busy and train. It 'll also get me in shape to run most of my errands on the bicycle to keep me away from the gas pumps.

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