Saturday, September 10, 2022

Bike Ride & Another Header Tube


Took the bicycle out for a ride yesterday morning. I haven't been riding much due to the county covering up my favorite smooth pavement with the chip and seal. I drove down the roads the other day to check the condition and with the hot weather and traffic, most of the chips have been either pushed down into the asphalt underneath or thrown off to the side. It's not smooth like it used to be but it's rideable now. I got 9 miles in. There's a car show this morning about 10 miles away. I might ride the bike over and check it out since the road's now smooth enough to ride on a skinny tired bike without a struggle or getting beaned with a piece of gravel kicked up by a passing vehicle

The view down the lane. Makes for a nice start and finish for a bike ride. Won't be much longer and the corn will get picked. Not near as scenic with corn stubble for about 8 months. It's much noisier as well. The corn looks good, in spite of the dry weather we've had off and on this summer. Much better than many of those poor farmers out west.

I got another tube mostly made up on the jitney header. I still need to fit up the curve on the end of the tube where it meets the collector. Might get that done today depending on whether I go to the car show and the gym. 

I took another look at the old boat trailer. I'm going to drag it out and start doing some of the fabricating. It won't take too much to get that part done. The rest I can do after the weather turns. I got my extra propane cylinder topped off the other day, so I should have enough gas to last me the winter now. If I finish the jitney, the trials bike and the trailer, I'll have a productive winter. 

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