Sunday, September 4, 2022

Header Progress Plus


Interesting day yesterday - I started off the day reading this week's The Epoch Times Opinion section. An article addressing America's Standing Army detailed how well armed many of the various departments of the federal government are: "The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and 15 million rounds of ammo, the Department of Veterans Affairs has purchased 11 million rounds, The department of Health and Human Services has acquired 4 million rounds in addition to 1,300 guns, the Social Security Administration has secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition as well as armor and guns," with more at other departments. Something to think about right there.

And then came a knock on the door and it was a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nice people but I'm always surprised when they show up since I'm way off the beaten path. Especially when there's corn on both sides of the lane like there is now. I'm not sure how I feel about the government agents arming up against its citizens, especially after Slo-Joe's satanic address to the nation, and how the message of the Jehovah's Witnesses fits with everything going on presently or on tap for the future.  

Went to the gym later on. I've got a long road back to where I was a couple years ago. I did 3 rounds on the double-end bag, 3 on the heavy bag, but could only do 2 rounds on the speed bag. All were three-minute rounds. Did some core exercises as well but nothing like I used to do. Besides the fact of the covid keeping me away from the gym, turned 72 today so that might have something to do with it.

I did get back out into the shop after coming home from the gym. I got the stub tubes fit up to the flange for the first three cylinders. Next step is to get the tube for #1 cylinder tacked together. After that I can pull a line to line up all the remaining tubes and make the collector. That's going to take some time but I'll keep pecking away at it. 

My goal was to have the jitney as a roller by Labor Day. Between the wife and I getting covid and the problem getting the rear end, I didn't make it but I have been making progress. I could have spent more time on it but I should be able to get it finished by next spring. Same with the vintage trials bike. The Missus asked about me making her something the other day. I'll have to get on that one of these days before too much longer. Always something.

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