Sunday, October 30, 2022

Beautiful Fall Weather - Shame it's Not Going to Last


Corn picking time again - that's the official end of the season by my calendar. Cold weather and snow will be here soon now. We've already had a few hard freezes and a spit of snow. It's supposed to warm up a bit this coming week again, so I'm going to try and get the stub axle on the trailer repaired before it turns cold for good.

Since it was warm yesterday afternoon and I had a bit of white paint left, I painted the bench. The legs/end pieces are castings that I bought from a former employer somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 years ago. The wooden slats have been replaced a number of times, but the cast iron should be good for at least one more lifetime beyond my own.

The trailer parts showed up yesterday, so I put the bearing races in the hubs and then painted the back sides. I'll paint the front side today. If you look closely, you can see the driver behind the new stub axle. I got lucky and I already had a driver the proper size for the races. The handle is threaded 3/4" course threads, and I've got a couple more drivers for bearings, as well as a couple of dollies I can thread onto the handle. After doing this kind of stuff for years, I've made, bought, or somehow or another accumulated all kinds of this stuff. It's gotten to the point now, however, the big question is can I find it when I want it. I've been working on improving my system, meaning actually having one. However, every time I get on a roll, something comes along to derail the progress. I picked up my veggies from the CSA yesterday and the owner asked me about welding some things - three or four little things but something else to fix, just the same. It's a curse. 

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