Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Photo, Hardware & A Pistol

When I went north last week, I took the long way home to enjoy the last of the warm weather and went by this place. I took the photo with my phone and then converted it to black & white with the tools on the computer. Unless I was going to make large photographs, probably no reason to even use film anymore. I did get some fresh chemicals to print some enlargements of some old negatives. Now that it's dark at 5:00, I can spend a couple of hours doing "darkroom" work and be finished before my bedtime.

My hardware order came in yesterday - acorn nuts for the fender bolts, jam nuts for the lower shock mounts, stainless self-drilling screws to fasten the plywood down for the trailer, and a bunch of other things to restock the inventory. 

Didn't do much the last two days due to a sore back and some lead in my ass. We went from 70-degree weather to freezing temps just about overnight. I strung the extension cord out to the chicken coop to plug the water heater in. It's not quite cold enough to plug the heat lamp in yet, but it's hung up and ready to go.

I should pick up the raffle gun today or tomorrow - 9mm pistol. Nothing I really need but the way the world is spinning, that might change soon enough. I don't know how tough it is or how expensive it is to buy ammo these days, but 9mm is pretty common so if anything is available, I would think it's one of the calibers that would be. Since I'll be picking it up at a gun store, I'll see what's in stock. 

Going along with that, the I'm Running 'Cause I Can't Fly blog features Jeremiah Babe's YouTube videos on a regular basis. Babe also has a Facebook page where you can find his stuff. He talks about financial stuff as well as preparing for what's coming. He stresses having real assets, being your own central bank and having security. I try to listen to them as I come across them. Most of them are 15-20 minutes long. They're different than the typical "prepper" videos. You might want to check his videos out before things get any worse.

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